about us

we craft innovative designs

V Solution is a team of creative, interior design artisans, brought together by the desire to both conceptualise and amplify interior spaces.

award winner

milestones that we proudly accomplished

Residential Interior Show Home Malaysia

2020-2021 Award Winning

about us

our conceptual artistry

we display our imaginative, visionary and artistic capabilities through our interior design proposals to our clients – to prove that we have carefully considered the artistic elements that is cohesive with the architecture detailing, materials and finishes that ties in with the overall concept and our clients’ vision.




interior design


concept development


interior architecture

the crew

our people

design-minded individuals with a collective passion for the artistic and contemporary fuels the dynamism of our team. our common goal of client satisfaction and crafting bespoke designs continue to lead us into the foray of the excitingly uncharted, while experimenting with the familiar. we connect people to design dreams with an enhanced human experience.